Last year, I reviewed Fabrice du Welz’s ‘Vinyan’. I found it “a very good film that only just falls short of greatness. There seem to be a lot of people out there who didn’t like it. But maybe that provides the measure of the film: it gets under the skin, lodges itself in the back of the mind and leaves a nasty little imprint on the memory.”
Du Welz’s debut feature ‘Calvaire’ arrived from LoveFilm at the weekend; one of the extra features was his short film ‘A Wonderful Love’. Details are sketchy and it doesn’t seem to have attracted much internet buzz as yet, but his next film ‘Alleluia’ is due to start shooting early this year. It’s been described as a road movie based on the true story of 1940s serial killers Martha beck and Raymond Fernandez, and is set to star Beatrice Dallé.
In anticipation, I’m declaring it du Welz week here on The Agitation of the Mind. I’ll be reviewing ‘A Wonderful Love’ tomorrow, ‘Calvaire’ on Wednesday and posting an overhauled version of my ‘Vinyan’ review. Friday will wrap up with some links and resources.
Join me. Expect things to get creepy.
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