Jumat, 10 Desember 2010

SOMETHING FOR THE WEEKEND: Laura Gemser and Ely Galleani in Emanuelle and the White Slave Trade

A talented fellow blogger and staple of my link list* left a comment on one of my Black Emanuelle posts that constitutes perhaps the final word on my utterly misconceived decision to even approach these piss-stains on the underwear of cinema:

“I’m glad it's you and not me watching these. I'll search out pictures of Laura Gemser and Ely Galleani if need be, but I'll stay far, far away from these films.”

Consider this a public service. Here are three pictures of Laura Gemser and the lovely Ely Galleani. In the shower. Now you need never actually watch a Black Emanuelle film.

You’re welcome.

*Blogger/commenter confidentiality preserved.

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